Funeral Plan

Funeral Plan for Main members

This funeral plan endorsed by African Unity Life provides funeral cover for the entire family of the main member, including children who have not reached the age of 21 years or full-time students who has not yet reached the age of 26 years.

After the death of the main member, the surviving spouse may proceed with the policy if she also becomes a member of Samba.

Benefits of the Funeral Plan:

  • No waiting periods for cover after the first premium was paid
  • Extremely affordable premiums

Requirements for membership of the funeral plan:

  • The applicant must be an active member of Samba;
  • The applicant only has 30 days from approval of his/her Samba membership to apply for the funeral cover;
  • The applicant must not yet have commemorated his/her 60th birthday.

Quarterly Premiums:

(Age is determined on date of acquisition of membership)

18 Years and above, but under 50 yearsR 223.44

50 years and older, but younger than 55 yearsR 352.68

55 years and older, but younger than 60 yearsR 435.39

Voluntary Funeral Assistance FundR 479.58


Principal Member   R 19 800

Spouse   R 19 800


14 years and older R 19 800

6 years and older, but younger than 14 years  R 10 450

1 year and older, but younger than 6 years R 5 400

Younger than 1 year (including stillborn) R 5 400

The service at the death of any member who enjoys coverage, involves a complete funeral or cremation by one of our official funeral undertakers. The cover amount will be paid to the estate of the main member if a funeral or cremation is not required.

Persons included in coverage:

  • Main member;
  • Legal spouse / partner of main member who has been living together for an uninterrupted period of at least six months;
  • Preschool, school-age and unmarried children who have not reached the age of 21;
  • Full-time students who has not yet reached the age of 26. If the child stops studying before the age of 26 or has started earning an income, he/she will no longer be included in the coverage of the main member;
  • Legally adopted children;
  • Mentally and physically disabled children who are totally dependent on the main member;
  • Customary marriages cover more than one spouse, but if more than one spouse dies in the same contingency, the coverage amount will be equally divided among the number of spouses;
  • Unborn babies (at least 26 weeks);

Persons excluded from coverage:

  • Grandchildren;
  • Children who have already been independent of the main member cannot later be added as a dependent;
  • Children in foster care of the main member.

Samba’s official funeral undertakers:
