Gap Cover

A low-cost-high-value insurance product that covers costs of hospital procedures and surgery which your medical aid doesn’t.

Gap Cover offered by Samba: Optivest OR Stratum

Optivest for the best medical scheme assistance

Optivest is a leading independent corporate healthcare consultancy that specialises in providing objective, independent healthcare consultation services.

As part of an agreement with Optivest, Samba members have access to medical scheme advice and support services.

These services consist of the following :

Samba members who are existing medical scheme members, have the option to be assigned to a MedXpert consultant which is part of Optivest’s support service provider division. These highly skilled and accredited MedXpert consultants manage their clients’ queries and claims and will liaise with the medical scheme on the member’s behalf.

This service is offered at no cost, Samba members just need to sign an engagement letter which appoints Optivest as their medical scheme broker.

Members who want to acquire or review their medical scheme cover get access to over 15 of South Africa’s top-quality open medical schemes. The client is offered the best available health solution(s) based on their needs and budget.

Should the Samba member accept the MedQuote generated quotation, they will become an Optivest client with access to the MedXpert support services.

*Both the MedQuote and MedXpert services are available to our members, but the medical schemepremium is not paid via a members’ Samba account.

Optivest gives Samba members the opportunity to apply for short-term health insurance products at special, reduced rates.The premiums of these products will be paid through the member’s Samba account.

• GapCover from R169 per month per family

With this offer, the Samba member have the opportunity to claim for doctor bills for in-hospital procedures that are not paid in full by the member’s medical scheme up to five times the medical scheme rate. The maximum entry age is 65 years.

• CoPay cover at R60 per month per family

This coverage is applicable where the Samba member’s medical scheme charges co-payments for procedures where the member was an inpatient or outpatient.The maximum entry age is 65 years.

• Combined Cover for R275 per month per family

This coverage is for both the GapCover and CoPay products.

For more information, contact Optivest at 0861 333 222 or at


Stratum Benefits - Your leading medical shortfall specialist

Ensure that deficiencies do not harm you.

Stratum Benefits is a leader in the field of supplementary medical insurance and protect scheme members against unforeseen hospital account deficits and mandatory surcharges.

Give yourself the added value of Gap Cover and restore the balance in the benefits not offered by your medical scheme.

Stratum Benefits in conjunction with Samba compiled three excellent products that are now available for Samba members.

* Terms and conditions apply.